Studies in sound


Partita for one Jack Russel terrier 2017 performance and
1-channel video installation.
Jack Russel terrier, conductor.
The composition is a study in actuality and conduction of dog barking

Study in Erosion 2017 Sculpture.
Bells, blowing fan motor, steel, silicone hose, wood, soil
The system consisting of three motors is set to symbolize an act of erosion. These three circuits are causing three different reactions. Two of them are set to polish the bells and the third is gliding back and forth in the soil. The sound of the whole system is notable as a symbol for pulsating energy.

“The Airplane”2016 Installation.
Blowing fan, trash bag, transducer (guitar pickup), loudspeaker
Study of abstract sound. The sound generated by the cavity of the trash bag resembles the sound of an airplane motor.

Building A House Without Materials 2016 Installation.
Various power tools
Study of the sound generated by power tools.

Opposites Are Complementary 2017
Technics 1210 turntable 2x, loudspeaker, sound mixer, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi vinyl,Benito Mussolini‎– Discorso Del 18 Novembre 1940vinyl, plaster, pewter, clay, silicone, robe.
The installation demonstrates the juxtaposition between two recordings of renowned speakers. The two-faced bust placed in the middle of the two loudspeakers; perform the role as a surrogate and a receiver of the present cacophony. In opposition to each other the recordings relates to the famous quote by Niels Bohr and acts as the title of the work.

Interrupted Transcendence 2017 Installation.
Black cloth, spotlight, blowing fan, loudspeaker, tone generator
with photocell resistor
The black cloth is blown away in a continuous pattern by the blowing fan, making the light reach through and interact with the tone generator, thus creating a howling sound.

Artificial Wind Sculpture 2017 Sculpture.
Aluminium, store grid, blowing fan, contact microphone, loudspeaker
The blowing fan is blowing towards the aluminium plates applied to the store grid. A clicking sound is generated and amplified through the loudspeaker placed below the sculpture.